No matter how well you think you know your teenage child, there is a slim chance you actually know what they are like when they are out of the house and with their friends. Parents of teenagers are normally worried sick about the fact that they cannot find out about their children’s ‘extra-curricular’ activities. Luckily, cell phone monitoring applications have solved this problem for a large number of parents but the real problem is, why would you monitor your child if you think they’re your little angel?
In this article, we discuss 5 types of problem teenagers and their
behaviors. See if anything sounds familiar about these and if you think
your child is one of them, you might want to invest in some child
monitoring software.
1. The Wannabe Gangster
While a lot of people blame rap music for the onslaught of teenagers
trying to be ‘gangsters’, this phenomenon has become widespread and is
now spreading from person to person. Your child might think that toting a
gun (albeit fake) is cool. These types of teenagers are prone to
getting into violent situations and starting drugs just because they
think it’s ‘gangsta’.
Indicators that your child is a ‘gangsta’ include their jeans being
dangerously below their waist and pictures of them posing with ‘guns’
and ‘drugs’ on their phones.
2. The Evil Genius
These conniving teenagers might seem like goody two shoes but they
become viciously evil as soon as they get internet access. These are the
kids who mostly commit online atrocities like hacking into people’s
social media accounts and cyber bullying. They might themselves be
victims of bullying in real life and they take out their anger over the
internet by subjecting other people to verbal tirades and other forms of
cyber bullying.
These teenagers can be spotted due to the long hours they spend on the internet and high intelligence levels.
3. The Bully
The bully is not normally the best student in class and doesn’t
perform will in academics. They might be really good at physical sports
and are normally physically intimidating. These kids subject their
targets to physical violence and verbal abuse and their parents are
subjected to a large number of parent teacher meetings and calls from
parents of their children’s victims.
Indicators include the room of a bully which will normally be full of
posters of muscle-bound heroes and they normally have a rude attitude
towards everyone.
4. The Copy-Cat
This type of problem teenager doesn’t have a mind of their own. They
are the perfect targets for peer pressure and will normally indulge in
wrongful activities just to be part of a certain group. Activities that
they indulge in could be anything from violent behavior to drinking and
doing drugs when they are with their group of ‘friends’.
A good sign that your kid is a copy-cat is that they are lacking in
social skills and self-confidence. They will often argue with you to
defend the people they hang out with.
5. The Socialite
The idols of The Socialite are Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan. They
love to party and are not afraid to show it. Alcohol and drugs are a
lifestyle for these kids and they love to have a group of admirers
surrounding them at all times. These activities could and do lead them
into dangerous situations.
You know your child is a social animal if they come home late at
night, are always busy on the weekend and have a large number of
‘duck-face’ pictures on their phone.
So, did any one of these sound familiar to you? Feel free to share your stories in the comments section below.
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